tisdag, mars 03, 2009

Moving my business

Yes, I am moving my business over to Livejournal.

It may feel kind of lame to move there but By there you can get quicker updates and also it will make it easier for you to contact me (RUCCHAN).

So I'm movin my business to this community;

Visual Sweden

And even thou it says Sweden it's not only for Swedish people but open for everyone around the world.
So if You feel like you have something to contribute with join the community and share with the others.
You are offcourse allowed to just be a lurker in the community too :D

But yeah, Visual Sweden is originally a project made by Rebecca, to help artists from Japan or just Japanese inspired to get more recognition through out the world, main place Sweden.

You will there be able to find different Release info, mostly links but sometimes more basic info like what it contains.
You will be able to find different sorts of reviews, such as CD and Concert.
You will also be able to find different CD booklet scanns.

You will NOT be able to find any downloads via that community, main reason, we don't want to support it.
We want the artists to make money out of their work, so please, be kind and BUY the different CD's if you can. (thou it's no must and we can't say if you do or don't)

But most important, Have Fun!

-Therese Kamijo
[_;J.rock Communications_]

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